Development and Investigation of quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithms for Extreme Parallel Computer Systems

This proposal was submitted in the Competition “Research Funding in Priority Areas – 2014” open in July 2014 from Bulgarian Science Fund (BSF).

Expert Panel /Priority Area/: „Information and Communication Technologies”

Contract No: DFNI-I02/8 was signed with BSF in December 2014 and will be finished in May 2018.

Main Objective:

The main objective of the project is to develop and investigate new randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (MC) methods and algorithms on extreme-scale parallel computing systems. Extreme-scale parallel computing systems are HPC systems with low latency interconnection, equipped with GPGPU devices (manufactured by companies like NVIDIA, AMD) and / or co-processors (e.g. those using Intel MIC technology) to speed up the calculations that make use of thousands of processor cores in high-density deployment.

More information about DFNI-IO2/8 :

Assoc. Prof. Todor Gurov, PhD

IICT-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev, 25A

Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel: +359 2979 6639
